
Showing posts from September, 2019
In the US, 48 States are launching an investigation into Google. This investigation will view whether or not Google is violating antitrust law. Investigators will look into whether Google broke laws to achieve dominance in the industry and obtain a monopolistic behavior. this company that dominated all aspects of advertising on the internet, as they dominate the buyer, seller and auction side... If advertising costs are higher, advertisers pay more, and ultimately thats passed on to consumers" Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says. Of these 48 states, Washington D.C, and Puerto Rico included, Alabama and California are not participating. In a search, it was found nine of the 10 searches were through Google. Arkansas Attorney General,  Leslie Rutledge, points out that if she is taking care of her child and searches for treatments, symptoms etc. she wants the website that will help her and her child the best, not the one that paid more for advertising. This year Google will control
In this video describing the supreme court from the 9 justices view, the audience gets an inside look at the process of this famous court. It all starts with a case, that case asks the supreme court to review it based on disagreement with how a lower court ruled. 9 justices review it and consider the questions. In the beginning the narrator defines them by saying. "Legitimacy is in the constitution, but power rests on public faith in independence and impartiality." The video takes us back to Dred Scott, a former slave wanting justice, the supreme court ruled that congress couldn't abolish slavery and it is descried as the biggest self inflicting wound the supreme court has ever dealt with. This questioned their credibility but slowly gained the publics trust back. The Supreme court gets about 100 new cases a day, most arguing about a lower courts wrongful decision. When they read through these cases they ask certain questions, " did the lower court apply the law pr
Colin Kaepernick the former Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers who led his team to the Superbowl in 2012 has been a free agent for over 3 years. Kaepernick recently posted a video on his Instagram with the caption " Staying Ready Against the Odds." Kaepernick has been out of the NFL for three seasons because of the movement he started on August 14th, 2016 during a preseason game. He sat down during the national anthem. and then after a few more games passed would kneel next to his teammates in protest to police brutality. Almost every other team had players who kneeled during the anthem to show their support to Kaepernick and to stand up to raise awareness to police brutality. Kaepernick received a lot of backlash but argued it is his right to protest the anthem. In this video the beginning shot is a title saying " Denied work for" and then set of numbers that go up from 0 until they hit 917. The rest of the video is him passing the ball to the well-known wide