In this video describing the supreme court from the 9 justices view, the audience gets an inside look at the process of this famous court. It all starts with a case, that case asks the supreme court to review it based on disagreement with how a lower court ruled. 9 justices review it and consider the questions. In the beginning the narrator defines them by saying. "Legitimacy is in the constitution, but power rests on public faith in independence and impartiality." The video takes us back to Dred Scott, a former slave wanting justice, the supreme court ruled that congress couldn't abolish slavery and it is descried as the biggest self inflicting wound the supreme court has ever dealt with. This questioned their credibility but slowly gained the publics trust back.

The Supreme court gets about 100 new cases a day, most arguing about a lower courts wrongful decision. When they read through these cases they ask certain questions, " did the lower court apply the law properly?" " Is the law constitutional?" When all 9 Justices come together they converse about the case that was chosen and if they agree to take it, one is chosen from the majority to do the opinion writing. This act is the most time consuming based on the fact they have to explain the legal reasons behind the decision and all other courts as they decide future cases. Law clerks assist with the research and then drafts are sent to all Justices. The first draft could take 4 weeks, it could be months before the final opinion is ready. Then the media waits anxiously for the reports and within hours and even minutes while they read through the many pages, the courts decision is is in print or on air. In the end of the video the narrator leaves the audience with this message. " People want to know there is one institution in this country thats taking the long view."


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