Invention of the Television.

There were three men who contributes to inventing the first television. Philo Farnsworth, Charles Francis Jenkins, John Logie Baird. Farnsworth was the one who was able to create the first television signal, while Jenkins and Baird were the engineers behind it. June of  1927 the first broadcast was aired. However, Televisions were not sold to the public until 10 years later.

Now, television controls are lives, we schedule our days around getting home to watch the new episode of our favorite show, we buy products from the show etc. There are positives and negatives to this though. We're able to bond with others based on same show preferences, we learn from documentaries or other informational shows or movies. However, we're addicted to these shows, we spend hours and hours watching and it can make us antisocial. Crime and sex becomes normalized since we see it so often now. Studies found out that before a child reaches their 18th birthday they will see 16,000 murders and 200,000 acts of violence.


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