
Reddit is a social media app mainly used for posing news or memes and starting discussions. There are countless "Subreddits" for all different types of interests. Almost every Tv show has a subreddit where fans can discuss episodes, or ones that post funny videos of animals, ones that post funny videos of kids, the pages are endless. However, there is a subreddit called " The_Donald" (The largest Pro-trump online community)which has been credited in getting Donald Trump to the White House has now been banned for content leading up to 2020. After a liberal news monitor published an article highlighting posts written by members in The_Donald, Reddit put a ban on the subreddit for repeated "rule-breaking" behavior. This is however not an outright ban, it only means Reddit requires an "opt-in" to view content that could be " highly offensive and upsetting."

While the moderators which control the subreddit have worked to release the ban and repeatedly try to be up to Reddits code, they have been denied. Some members in the subreddit dont  seem to care about the ban and say it is like a "badge of honor." Even the CEO of reddit, Steve Huffman stated " removing a community that represents political views of a large percentage of our population {i think} is deeply problematic" This conflict between reddit and a political page bring up questions like what constitutes free speech online? Since the pages involvement in the 2016 election reddit has slowed down its power and is setting up to end the page for good.


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