Most of my posts about technology are negative and show the different consequences that come with them. However, social media isn't all bad. Sports has been greatly impacted by social media. Fantasy football has brought people closer to games than ever before. Now, not only are you rooting for your team but also rooting for different players on other teams which puts a greater relationship between players and fans. Teams social media accounts are great for getting to know the players and the team more. They also keep updates of the games and post highlight videos for those who might not be able to watch it live. followers get to see them in the locker room, hear their speeches they give to each other to hype them up for the game. This builds a stronger and more emotional relationship for followers. If users are lucky, one of our favorite players might event like a comment we post or comment back to us, making us feel closer to the game. Fans can follow their favorite athletes and hopefully be able to interact with them. It almost humanizes these players since most of the time we see them in their uniforms but social media allows us to see their lives outside of the sport.


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