While watching these ted talks my anxiety about technology went through the roof. I obviously know about privacy issues and how it is like a tattoo. However, the revenge porn video scared me the most. It's not as if she sent someone these pictures, they were taken while she was asleep. It's crazy to think how this could happen to anyone and their lives could be turned upside down in seconds all with the click of a button. Privacy is a serious issue and I dont think we will ever get a sense of privacy back. It's only going to get worse. The license plate readers everywhere, recording our locations, for what ? These people aren't breaking the law. Our data is stolen and harvested and sometimes I realize honestly we do it to ourselves. We agree to the terms and conditions. Yes, these companies should not be allowed to harvest our information but we technically let them. It is a tricky situation. No one wants their data stolen, and used for who knows what but also no one wants to be out of the loop and not have social media accounts. Now in days if you dont have a facebook, a gmail you cant even read certain articles or visit websites, you have to sign in on one of those forms. Our society completely revolves around having these accounts and the companies then being about to use our data. 
The Alexa is also a great example. This device has been caught listening recording and keeping users conversations. Although, if the point of this device is to activate when you call it would not it need to be hearing everything you're saying? This device is barely needed and the people who buy it are practically asking people to listen to their conversations. 


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